- April
Posted By : Adrian Chan
[Resist] [Submit} … advertising in facebook dialog boxes?

Here’s a bug worth noting, if only for the fun of it. I’ve always wanted to see a dialog box pick up the cause of users everywhere by offering a choice of “submit” or “resist.” Utterly useless of course. Perhaps an idea for a t-shirt.

Well this one must be a bug, because the I had just removed the exact same event successfully with options of “remove” or “do not remove.” If this is social media marketing, it earns points for creativity. Whether it would count as user choice, however… Maybe if I opt not to remove and then try again I’ll get a different ad in place of the “remove” button? Or is this the only sponsor the event organizer has lined up? If so, and the option is to go to the event or check out the Qbox player, I should take the latter. But will it show up in my activity feed? And if it did would my feed state that I’m going to the event and checking out the Qbox player?

Will users submit to advertising of this form? Methinks they’d rather resist!

Category: Uncategorized


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