November 2008 05
Sea Change
Posted By : Adrian Chan

Minding and possibly mincing his words, Henry Hank Paulson leaned forward and, zen-like, recited the mantra, “restore confidence.” Showing little of the wide-eyed panic and sudden resolve out of which his and Ben Bernanke’s recent

October 2008 27
All the Commentary That’s Fit to Print
Posted By : Adrian Chan

There is an interesting example of the disruptiveness and transformation of new and social media in the New York Times newspaper today. Unfortunately, it really only comes through in the print version. That’s because in

October 2008 08
The Now Web: Not Now, or Not Yet?
Posted By : Adrian Chan

I have my Stanford reunion coming up tomorrow. At the risk of dating myself, it’s my twentieth. I wrote my thesis at Stanford on an Apple Macinthosh, which required swapping out floppy discs in order