Principles of Social Interaction Design? Social media are talk technologies. They are the means of production in an age of communication. They aid in the production and exchange of knowledge and information and culture, based
I remember attending a local unconference for social startups several years ago. This was in the heady days when social was fresh and much had yet to be defined. Session after session plumbed the myriad
Lots of interesting attention of late being paid to the collaborative economy. Collaborative economies are of course nothing new. Prior to the rise of capitalism and the organization of society around production and economic trade,
User experience designers like their conceptual models. We are professionally prone to build and rely on models and abstractions — mental constructs known not for their accuracy but perhaps for their utility. In the world
I’ve been working in the enterprise now for over a year. As a full throated and once- incorrigible independent, the experience has been fascinating. DeloitteDigital is an incredible group of talent, smarts, and opportunity. Its
Brushing up on the state of the art within enterprise systems, and the conversations about user experience in particular. This post from 2012 cites the importance of UI and user experience to increasing numbers of