Lots of interesting attention of late being paid to the collaborative economy. Collaborative economies are of course nothing new. Prior to the rise of capitalism and the organization of society around production and economic trade,
Imperfect and unfinished as any project on contemporary products will be, my Principles of Social Interaction Design is now available for free download. This project has taken a couple of years, and in places bears the
The story of the stirrup Do you know the story of the stirrup? The stirrup was introduced to horsemanship alternately by the Central Asians, Chinese, or tribes in India more than 2,500 years ago. But
I had a chance this morning to catch up with unopened items in google reader. Something I used to keep up with daily, but which I now fall behind on. Occasionally something catches my attention
Once long ago when I was a young web developer freelancing out of a shared work space here in San Francisco I did a job for a change management consulting firm. I was not building
A post by friend Chiah Hwu today has reminded me of a topic that was on my mind recently. That being both the subtext and explicit goal of a series of well-catered, guested, and hosted