October 2006 11
Pay Attention to YouTube!
Posted By : Adrian Chan

I’m on a bit of a Marshall McLuhan kick this week, with YouTube’s acquisition to Google still in the air. And Kim Jong Il leaping up and down at the far eastern edge of the

October 2006 09
Marshall McLuhan on YouTube
Posted By : Adrian Chan

There’s a great scene in Woody Allen’s Annie Hall in which Allen, overhearing a guy in line for a movie refer to Marshall McLuhan, produces McLuhan with the words “as a matter of fact, I

August 2006 16
Folksonomic Value Proposition part 2 Revised
Posted By : Adrian Chan

“First hoary axiom: Value comes from scarcity. Take the icons of wealth in the industrial age&emdash;diamonds, gold, oil, and college degrees. These were deemed precious because they were scarce.” Kevin Kelly It’s The Folksomy, Stupid

July 2006 14
Podcasts and Podcasting on my mind
Posted By : Adrian Chan

They say that hearing is the first of our senses to come to our awareness — as our mother’s heart beats through the early months of our lives. Marshall McLuhan, a mentor of mine and