Hair-splitting commentaries on society, culture, and current events

Attempts to find the deep and profound in things light and straight-forward. Social commentary, cutural criticism, and philosophical observations and musings intended to complexify, connect, and rightly, or wrongly, amuse. Assembled with reckless abandon, and served up with pleasure. Menu choices and philosophical observations include: politics, current events, online communities, online trends, academic movements, theory, web and internet research, and literature.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Let's face it, transplant or no....

"I now have a face like everyone else," she told reporters Monday...

Photos making the rounds today would seem to cast that into some doubt.

But whereas the discussion a couple months ago centered on the transplant operation, there's no turning away now: this is her face. I dont think we can look at a person and not see their face as their face. This changes things. An organ transplant is, well, just that. But a face, as personal as it is, being the primary organ of personality, belongs on whomever wears it. It's like, what was your hair like before? Now that you have a new haircut, I don't seem to remember...

Isabelle Dinoire deserves to be left alone now. Let the debate continue among cultural critics and ethicists. She's going to have to put on a smile for the rest of her life and she deserves recognition of what that means.