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Social Media Research
Communication technology and theory: Research into the interpersonal and social interface

Summary: Web and online communication and interaction is asynchronous. As such the delay, be it a matter of seconds or several days, disintegrates the sense of "being there" and "shared time" that characterizes co-presence, simultaneous, and spontaneous interaction. People have the time to consider themselves consciously, to tell rather than talk, and some of this comes out in online and social media as cold, distant, and self-oriented rather than other-oriented. And yet a great deal of talk now happens in a mediated fashion. The implications for the design of social software, online interaction, online community, and social media are significant. And they will become very interesting as these media become more synchronous.

Did you get my email: delivery acknowledgment

How many of us have received "did you get my email" phone calls? A medium in which users resort to a different mode of interaction in order to get that kind of guarantee is a new medium. We no longer bug each other for that kind of verification (though we might if spam keeps up its pace). Delivery acknowledgment is a fundamental aspect of messaging technologies, and yet one that we are learning to do without because we are adapting. Adapting either to accept more risk and uncertainty, or by placing more faith in the technology that absence of evidence is not at all evidence of absence... What's interesting here, besides the suggestion that over time we're accepting technology deeper and deeper into our worldview, is the kind of ambiguity and uncertainty that users deal with, and either resist or accept.

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