April 2008 28
Sentimetrix… Sentimentrix… Sentimistaken?
Posted By : Adrian Chan

Sentimetrix, which I have to admit I haven’t used, makes an interesting claim viz its sentiment algos for social media sentiment analysis. The first para claims that sentiment can be measured semantically. Interesting. That would

February 2007 14
Change.org: a social change site review
Posted By : Adrian Chan

Many sites use a combination of blogging, commenting, voting, tagging, social networking to capture user-generated content and user interest in niche markets/themes. The mix of communication to the community, and communication among and between members

January 2007 29
The User of Social Media: A Second Self?
Posted By : Adrian Chan

I’ve been thinking about the user in social software and social media, from a designer’s perspective, and thinking about the user experience behind participating in these systems. Wondering, for example, how this all becomes “social.”