It’s becoming increasingly clear to me (perhaps I’m slow) that live video chat will be among the next new things to reshape the social web experience. Friend and colleague Bernard Moon brought this to my
by Adrian Chan and Andreas Weigend This post has been translated into German (GDI Impuls 2/2010), Spanish, and Chinese (simplified). The social data revolution We live in an age in which social data has become the
Thus at bottom the message already no longer exists; it is the medium that imposes itself in its pure circulation … the universe of communication … leaves far behind it those relative analyses of the
It has been a busy week for realtime social media enthusiasts. Google’s launch of Buzz has given us something to try out and to talk about, and this has been the biggest test of a
The acceleration of news delivery towards its degree zero — instantaneity — is inevitable. It belongs to the very concept and reality of news itself. The newest news is the news that just arrived now.