This post began as a comment on Messification: Why Games Should Be Designed to Be Games First by John Ferrara The debate around games and gamification are nothing new. Games are nothing new. But the question for
User experience designers seem to come in two flavors. Those who tackle the big form. And those who master the small form. Big form being user experience from a situated but holistic perspective. Small form
A lot of folks in social media have had their interest piqued by social games and so-called gamification of online practices. Brands, too, have heard about social games. And about the promise of deeper engagement,
It’s time to get real on gamification. I’ve seen much written about gamification. About what it is, how it works, and how to use it. Gamification as a kind of social mechanism that can be
I have been meaning to write further about social games and the gamification of social media for a while. Some recent binging over on Empire Avenue lit the fire. I want to outline a few
Techcrunch this week posted a copy of a social gaming playdeck used by SCVNGR. Social gaming is indeed hot these days. But there’s some confusion around game mechanics and social gaming dynamics. I don’t see