They say a picture is worth a thousand words. That’s because a picture says something. What is says, by whom, or to whom, is not the point, and can’t be, because the picture is not
The idea of social objects has been around for quite some time. Indeed, a lifetime in internet years. But for all of its conceptual durability, it offers limited theoretical insight — to the point of
User experience designers seem to come in two flavors. Those who tackle the big form. And those who master the small form. Big form being user experience from a situated but holistic perspective. Small form
Imperfect and unfinished as any project on contemporary products will be, my Principles of Social Interaction Design is now available for free download. This project has taken a couple of years, and in places bears the
“Individuals are very rarely expected ‘just’ to be co-present in gatherings and never are permitted to act thus in encounters. The reflexive monitoring of action, in contexts of co-presence, demands a sort of ‘controlled
I missed this research on twitter social networks as i was taking time away from the internets when it was posted. Here’s Jeremiah Owyang’s coverage of network analysis conducted at HP labs. The research does