This slideshow introduces a view of the social media user that emphasizes the sociability, communication, and interaction skills and competencies. In it I make the argument that user experience and interaction designers approach social media
I’ve been off blogging it seems for quite a while, and while I feel out of the loop in some respects as a result, it’s been healthy and productive for a number of reasons. That
Getting the talk right on social media sites is essential to success. And the range of tools and post types (blog, comment, discuss, video, etc) and messaging types available on social software sites has never
I’ve been poking about the social video space of late and absorbing as many moving pixels as can be safely beamed at a pair of analog eye sockets without producing tissue damage, seizures, or abnormalities
Social software and social media sites present an interesting challenge to those of us interested in the user experience. Where the user experience in “conventional” software can be examined according to assumptions we (know how
“Of all the gin joints in all the world, you have to come into this one…” Ever get that feeling that there’s a whole lot more talk going on here than there is listening? That