They say a picture is worth a thousand words. That’s because a picture says something. What is says, by whom, or to whom, is not the point, and can’t be, because the picture is not
The idea of social objects has been around for quite some time. Indeed, a lifetime in internet years. But for all of its conceptual durability, it offers limited theoretical insight — to the point of
Imperfect and unfinished as any project on contemporary products will be, my Principles of Social Interaction Design is now available for free download. This project has taken a couple of years, and in places bears the
I’m going to write a post that may get me in a wee bit of trouble. A post in which, if I’m honest with myself, I’ll need to reveal more of my own experience using
This slideshow has been laying about for too many months now so I’ve decided to wrap it quickly and push it out there. It’s a distillation of a much larger project I’ve been pursuing and
This short slideshow has been sitting about on my machine for months. This morning, for no particular reason, I decided to wrap and post it. It’s a reflection on some of the paradoxes of social