I started wondering last evening what twitter would be like if in addition to followers we could also see who was actually being paid attention to. The groups many of us use in clients like
The realtime web is living on borrowed time. Not in the sense that time’s running out on realtime. But in the sense that the realtime web actually involves two kinds of time. One is the
Adina Levin of Socialtext posted recently about Tags for ActivityStrea.ms. I’ve been enjoying online conversations with Adina quite a lot of late; there’s a constructive Venn overlap between our approaches to design for social media
I’m thinking this bright and clear Monday morning about some thoughts I had last night, when my mind slipped into philosophical musings. I went to sleep reflecting on the state of modernity, and of the
My Dad used to tell a joke that would send him into eye-tearing peals of self-induced laughter. He’s a group therapist, and trained with Transactional Analysts. TA is the school of thought that gave us
I’ve never been one for the top ten do’s and don’ts of twitter. And there’s been a proliferation of these lists of late. But rather than dismiss them out of hand, as I have been,